3 Things That Will Help You Pick Out the Best Septic Tank From a Catalogue of Domestic Treatment Systems

If you are building or are about to build, you may be interested in septic treatment systems. Not only are they budget friendly, but they are also highly durable and low maintenance. Most importantly, they are environmentally friendly. But how do you choose the best one from all the possible options? These three things should be your guide in your selection process.

1. Size

Before anything else, you should know the size of septic tank you want to install in your premises. The size of tank you need will depend on the number of people or activities the tank will be serving.The standard minimum size for a septic tank is 1000 gallons (3,785 litres). 

Of course, the bigger the better. A larger tank will allow you more service time, but the proper functioning of domestic treatment systems is dependent on available space. Forcing a large system into a small space will only lead to the damage of your system and possible harm to your environment.

2. Cost

Once you have settled on a size, go through the price listings of all available septic tanks. It is always assumed that the more expensive a product is, the better it is in quality. Although this is true in some cases, it is not a general rule.

Septic treatment systems will require little maintenance, but there are few costs that may arise during their lifetime. For instance, you will be required to carry out regular inspections of the septic tanks to ensure their proper functioning and general state. You will also need to pump them in intervals of between 3 to 5 years.

3. Material

There are many materials that are commonly used for the making of domestic treatment systems tanks. Although GRP was the initial material used for building septic tanks, it has since been ruled out to be short lived and old fashioned.

HDPE, on the other hand, is highly resistant and long lasting but can form fault lines over time. PP is very cost efficient and has the same durability that HDPE offers if not more. Concrete septic tanks are very long lasting and can be built on site or installed. Either way, they require a lot of equipment for proper setup. This makes it a more expensive option in comparison.

If you have the means, concrete septic tanks are very much recommended, but for an economical option, PP gives great, long-lasting service.

To learn more about septic tanks, contact a company like Econocycle.
